Dear residents, a 98-home development planning application adjacent to Ashefield includes a proposed pedestrian link into Ashefield. The proposed pedestrian link would be closest to #76 and facing the line of homes from #64 upwards. Given our long history of dumping and anti-social issues with pedestrian walkways between estates, not to mention a potential loss of privacy, and noise & disturbance resulting from its use, you may want to consider having your say in the planning process via a submission or observation to Westmeath County Council. Contact if you need further information/help.
- A payment of €20 to Westmeath County Council must accompany your submission/observation
- The submission/observation must include the following:
- Include the planning file number : 2197
- Your name and address
- E-mail address, if any, of the person or body making the submission/observation
- Indicate the address to which any correspondence relating to the application should be sent.

In addition to individual submissions, please note that Ashefield Residents Association has provided a submission regarding the application. Thanks to everyone who provided input for this.