One of the action items from the 2013 AGM of the Ashefield Residents Association was in relation to the green area along the C-Link road. In December’s meeting of Mullingar Town Council, Cllr. Ken Glynn submitted the following question:
2.7 Cllr.Glynn: To ask Westmeath County Council to provide funding in the upcoming budget to carry out extensive works on the green area along the Western By-Pass in Ashefield as once these works have been carried out, the residents association will be in a position to maintain the green area.
Westmeath County Council has been liaising with Mullingar Tidy Towns Committee with a view to having areas such as these upgraded in 2014 by their workers.
Thank you again for following up on this action item, Cllr. Glynn.
Cllr. Glynn’s website: