Annual donations due

Hello residents and friends,

We are collecting annual donations for 2023 to cover the upkeep costs of the common areas of the estate that are the responsibility of all us residents. The bulk of the annual cost is grass cutting for all the estate common green areas.

As with previous years, we try to keep the cost to the absolute minimum. The accounts summary for the residents association is published on this site for transparency and visibility.

The suggested donation per household is €20 – unchanged from previous years despite the rapid rises in living & energy costs.

We can accept payment securely via Paypal or in person to a committee member. Please note that Paypal deducts a charge from the donation and this amount has increased. We have been forced to add a €1.50 handling charge per donation to cover that. Click the ‘Buy Now’ button to donate.

Thanks again for all your support from Ashefield Residents Association

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Ashefield Residents Association” amount=”20″ handling=”1.5″]

Annual contributions towards the upkeep of common areas in Ashefield

Hello all, you can use this direct link to contribute towards the upkeep of the estate:

Many thanks to everyone who contribute – we publish the accounts of Ashefield Residents Association every year and review them in the AGM. Your valuable contribution goes towards the upkeep of estate common areas that are the responsibility of the residents e.g. grass cutting and general maintenance.

Community Clean-Up – Saturday May 14th

Ashefield Residents’ Association is asking your help with an estate clean up on Saturday May 14th, 2016 starting at 4pm starting in the area of houses 122-130. We would great appreciate residents to volunteer some time – even if you can only spare 30 mins – to help with the following:


  • Mowing and edge trimming of footpath grass margins.
  • General tidy around your own house, including the footpath and common areas.
  • Hedge cutting including & removal of dead leaves.

We’d like to encourage as many residents as possible to join us on the day. It’s also a great way to get to know your neighbours and the shared tasks will make the job easy on everyone.

Look forward to meeting you on the day. Many thanks.


Annual Fund Raising Collection

Dear Resident,

The 2015 Ashefield Residents Annual Fund Raising Collection has commenced. The funds collected are used in the upkeep of the common areas in the estate. The main expense incurred is the grass cutting in the large green areas.

With a view to continuing this work the Resident Association Committee Members have commenced visiting home in the estate requesting a contribution of €20 per household (reduced from €30 in 2013). To make things easier we have a PayPal account on into which your contribution may be paid.

(It cost over €1300 to cut the grass and do other minor repairs in 2014. We post details of the accounts on this website

The collection has been well supported in the past and we are sure that we can rely on your support once again this year. We realise that we all have extra pressures due to Household Charge and Property Tax. However despite home owners paying these the County Councils are not providing any additional services. Therefore as always the responsibility falls on all the residents to keep the common areas.

This requests is being made to all residents; be the renting their home or are it’s owner. However if those renting their home feel that this request is better directed to their landlord we would appreciate if they forwarded this note to their landlord.

Adversely affected by the economic crisis? – request for participation

Hi all – received the following request for input from residents of Mullingar:

A European Research project conducted through Maynooth University involving 8 other countries is looking at how families and households are coping after the financial crisis.

RESCuE is trying to understand how families who have been adversely affected by the economic crisis “bounce back”? We are interested in how families have adapted to face recent challenges to help them get by and challenges they may be struggling with.

Maynooth University is part of a nine-country European consortium that is investigating resilience among families and households in urban and rural areas across Europe. We are listening to the voices of ordinary people coping with the economic crisis. The project aims to assist social institutions and policy makers to learn from those experiences and to develop better strategies for supporting families and households in the future.

For more details, please see the Brief overview of the RESCuE project and a RESCuE project poster with contact details


If you are interested in participating, please contact:

Dr. Jennifer Dagg
RESCuE: Citizens’ Resilience in times of crisis
NIRSA, Ionta Building, North Campus

jennifer.dagg [AT]

Note: replace [AT] with ‘@’

Ashefield Residents Association 2014 Collection

Dear Resident,
The 2014 Ashefield Residents Annual Fund Raising Collection will be take place at the times listed below. The funds collected will be used in the upkeep of the common areas in the estate. The main expense incurred is the grass cutting in the large green areas.

With a view to continuing this work the Resident Association Committee Members are requesting a contribution of €20 per household (reduced from €30 in 2013).

It cost approximately €1345 to cut the grass and do other minor repairs in 2013. Accounts are available on

The collection has been well supported in the past and we are sure that we can rely on your support once again this year. To make things easier we have also set up a PayPal account on this website into which, your contribution may be paid. You can also make your contribution by contacting a committee member who will issue you with a receipt.
Collection Times;

• Mon 14 Jul 2014 7:00pm to 9:00pm

• Fri 18 Jul 2014 7:00pm to 9:00pm

• Sat 19 Jul 2014 10:30am to 14:30pm

Dear Resident,
Thanks for your support in 2013 and we hope that you can be as supportive this year. Ashefield has a website, e-mail address, Twitter account, and a Facebook page to help you keep up with to date and to contact us.We encourage you to use these to stay in touch with both the residents association and residents. The committee comprises all unpaid volunteers – your neighbours, who are willing to spare some time.
Your contribution is very important. It falls back on us as a community to maintain and improve the common areas in the estate. We realise that time is precious so therefore we appreciate all and any help you can give. This can involve calling on Tesco to collect abandoned shopping trolleys or picking up litter in your area.
We encourage you to contact us with your ideas, suggestions, and indeed and get involved with your residents association. One of the ideas we are looking at is setting up is setting up a Community Text Alert. In order to gauge the level of interest in this; can you either e-mail us at info@ or make your interest known to a committee member.

Illegal Dumping!

Thanks to JS for this report

There have been instances of illegal dumping of rubbish or ‘fly-tipping’ in the estate over the past couple of weeks. It appears that the incidents have occurred within the laneways. This is not only illegal but represents a potentially serious health hazard.

The environment section of Westmeath Co. Co. was notified and are investigating. Cllrs Ken Glynn and Avril Whitney were also notified – many thanks to them for their quick responses and help.

Westmeath Co. Co.’s advice is that if you see someone fly-tipping, try to take note of:

  • When and where it is happening
  • Vehicle registration ( if applicable )
  • Description of the vehicle – colour, make and model. Is there anything special about it? Does it have an insignia or contact numbers?
  • What sort of rubbish is being dumped?

Please report the details to Westmeath County Council Environment Section on Lo-Call 1890 320 005 . It will only take a few minutes to report but will be a big help to the community.

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Annual collection of resident contributions and remedial works

The upkeep of the common areas in the estate is the responsibility of the residents. This includes grass cutting of common green areas,  replacement of house number street signs in the estate, repairs to estate walls that are not the responsibility of the council, and any other remedial works that may be necessary. These works were outlined in the recent AGM.

The grass cutting season has already started and the first part of the remedial work plan – replacement of house number street signs – is underway.

To help cover to the costs of these works, the residents association have been collecting €30 per household every year. 100% of these contributions go directly towards these works and the full accounts for the resident association are made public.

Volunteer residents from the association will be circulating around the estate in the coming weeks with a view to collecting a contribution of €30 per household. We do realise that times are hard and living costs are climbing but your valued support is being requested once again this year. The €30 contribution is approximately 60 cents per week, which is a modest sum considering the work it achieves. This request is being made to all residents; either renting their home or as owners.

 Sincere thanks to all the residents and community groups for their contributions and support.  We are sure that you will do your best to support us in our efforts to maintain  the estate that will all live in.

Antisocial behaviour

The Gardaí have been notified regarding incidents of egg-throwing at houses near the front of the estate.  If you have witnessed this, happen to spot this occurring, or may have CCTV footage, please contact Mullingar Gardaí (preferably). You can also send an email info@ and this information will be passed on.