Lights Out – Anti-social behavior

We received reports of anti-social behavior over recent weekends. Contributing to the problem are faulty streetlamps that were reported months ago; in fact, over 7 months ago for one particular case. If you wish to ask the council about the status of the streetlamp replacements, options include contacting Cllr. Ken Glynn or the council customer care at +353 44-9332000 or email customercare [at] .

Please continue to report any instances of anti-social behavior to Mullingar Gardaí at +353 44-9384000.

Tree pruning in the estate

One of the action items from our 2017 AGM was to ask Westmeath Co. Co. to prune the trees in the estate; particularly those that were blocking streetlights. This measure would help improve safety and security at night.

Now that it is tree pruning season, Ashefield has been scheduled for this work thanks to Cllr. Ken Glynn. Work is expected to commence within the coming days.

Are you interested in improving the estate?

We’d like to hear from you. Are you interested in potentially improving the estate? Through the meetings and from face to face chats during our collection visits, a number of issues have been raised.

  • Community text alert scheme for the estate to help improve security and safety
  • Tackle the overgrown green area adjacent to the C-Link road/Western Bypass
  • Increasing the number of signs regarding dog littering in the estate.

Have you any further suggestions? If so, please get in touch via email info@ or talk to a committee member. The limitations are that any potential ideas cannot address issues relating to privately-owned land or buildings. All efforts are by residents who volunteer a small amount of their time to help out. We’d really appreciate help – please get in touch if you think you might be able to lend a hand.

[yop_poll id=”1″]

A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass
A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass

Another theft in the area

A generator was stolen from the front of a house in Ashefield early on Wed morning, June 22.  If you might have noticed anything suspicious in the area during the period from midnight to 2am on Wed, 22nd, contact Mullingar Garda station at +353 44 934 8915.  It was a large item so a van or trailer might have been used.  Due to the apparently rising level of theft in the general Mullingar area, it would be a good idea to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the Gardaí immediately.

Lawnmower theft

A lawnmower was stolen from a shed at the rear of a house in Ashefield between Friday and Saturday. If you noticed anything suspicious during Friday or Saturday, April 22-23, 2011 in the vicinity of houses #156-164, please do contact Mullingar Gardaí at 044 9384000 or using their confidential line at 1800 666 111

This appears to be the latest instance in a rise in burglaries in the Mullingar area. It would be a good idea to check that your sheds and gates are securely locked, all valuable items are out of sight, and tools or implements that could be used to gain entry to houses or sheds are not left lying around. If you do spot anyone or persons behaving suspiciously in the area, please contact the Gardaí and don’t assume someone else has.

Read more about helping to make your home less attractive to thieves.

Ashefield Residents Association AGM 2011

The next Ashefield residents’ association meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 2011 from 8pm in the Newbury Hotel, Mullingar.

Every resident is invited to attend,  contribute ideas,  highlight problems,  and have an important say in the management of the estate.  The committee comprises ordinary residents from the estate who volunteer their time and expertise for free.  If you might be considering getting more involved, this would be an ideal opportunity to do so.

The draft agenda is as follows.

  1. Introduction
  2. Why do we need a Residents Association
  3. Responsibilities of each resident
  4. Annual contribution for upkeep of green areas
  5. Tenants/Landlords Responsibilities
  6. Apartment Block
  7. Laneways
  8. Deterring street games and ensuring safety
  9. Ashefield Website
  10. Financial Statement for 2010
  11. Election of new committee
  12. Any other business

More items for the agenda are encouraged. Feel free to use the comments area below or send an email to info@

Keeping your home and valuables secure

Unfortunately, there appears to be a rise in the number of burglaries in the area as reported in the local papers recently. This rise is also apparent across the country. Easy opportunities e.g. a door left unlocked for a few minutes or a window left open, will be seized upon by the opportunist burglar. Extra vigilance might save yourself or a neighbour the turmoil of a burglary so please do report any suspicious activity to the Gardai at 044 9384000. The website has a home security checklist to help make your home less attractive for any unwanted attention. Their checklist is as follows:

Doors and windows

  1. Are all your external doors properly fitted and equipped with appropriate secure locking systems?
    (i.e. 5-lever mortice locks for wooden doors, multi-point locking for uPVC doors etc.)
  2. If you have glass panelled doors – are they reinforced in some way so that they cannot be
  3. Have you a wide-angled viewer in your front/main entrance doors or other means of viewing
  4. Do you have a door chain / limiter fitted and do you use it?
  5. Since moving into your home (where there may have been a previous occupier) have you had
    the locks changed?
  6. Are your spare keys kept with a trusted neighbour and never left under an external mat,
    flower pot etc.
  7. Do you lock your external doors when away from home, no matter how short a time?
  8. Do you lock the doors out of your view when working in the garden / yard?
  9. Have you installed an additional lock(s) to your sliding glass / patio doors?
  10. Can you close and lock your garage doors?
  11. Are the garage / outhouse doors protected with quality locks or deadbolts?
  12. Do you close and lock your garage /outhouse doors?
  13. Are all your windows secure?
  14. Can the window openings be restricted for ventilation?
  15. Do you check to see if all windows are secured when you leave your home?

Inside security

  1. Do you ask for identification before allowing unknown servicemen / callers into your home?
  2. Do you avoid leaving cash at home?
  3. Have you automatic timers on some lights when your house is vacant?
  4. Does your home always look like someone is at home?
  5. Have you recorded serial numbers of your valuables?
  6. Have you, for identification purposes, photographed your valuables especially items for which
    you have no serial numbers such as jewellery, china, crystal, paintings, antiques etc?
  7. Are your car / house keys kept in a location not visible from the outside?

Outside security

  1. Is your house number visible from the street?
  2. Is there sufficient illumination around your home to allow visible inspection of any dark areas
    around it?
  3. Is there sufficient external lighting outside every door to illuminate visitors?
  4. Do neighbours and passers-by have a clear view of your home?
  5. Have you trimmed all hedges and shrubs so they can’t hide a burglar at work on the windows
    and doors?
  6. Have you ever walked around your house looking for ways a burglar might be able to get in?
  7. Do you keep tools or ladders etc. in places inaccessible to potential burglars?
  8. Are machines, tools and other high value items stored in garages or sheds securely padlocked
    or chained to prevent removal?
  9. Is your shed / garage secure?

Holiday security

  1. Have you a reliable neighbour whom you can notify of your travel plans and give a key to, with a
    request for a periodic house check?
  2. Do you have a neighbour collect your mail or newspapers when you are away or do you avail of
    Mailminder from An Post?
  3. Do you cancel all deliveries?
  4. Do you have your neighbour park his / her extra car in your driveway when you are away from
  5. Do you arrange to have your lawn mowed?
  6. Do you notify the Gardaí of prolonged absences from your home?

Electronic security

  1. Do you have an intruder alarm system fitted and do you use it?
  2. Does it conform to the European Norm standard EN 50131?
  3. Is it maintained and serviced annually?
  4. Are you aware of the current Garda Intruder Alarm Policy?
  5. Do you know how to operate and use your alarm system functions?
  6. Have you considered connecting it to a monitoring centre or your mobile phone?
  7. Have you appointed a keyholder(s) and will they respond appropriately to an alarm activation?

Download the checklist

Electrician available

Need an electrician?

Contact: Kestas
Telephone: 087 2027676
200 Ashefield

Kestas can install sockets, lamps, distribution boxes, and carry out house re-wiring, fire detection systems, fuse board replacement, install security lighting, additional sockets and lights including downlighting. He can also take care of shower installations, boilers and immersions, garden lights, storage and convector heaters, connecting new appliances, and computer service and repairs.

Littering and signage

Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of cases of illegal dumping in Ashefield recently. If you spot someone leaving rubbish bags or other litter in the estate, please contact Westmeath County Council’s litter control and report it either by email to or using the low cost number 1890 320 005 . Don’t assume someone else will. It’s not fair on the local residents who do spend the time and money on clearing up after the illegal dumpers.

From Westmeath County Council: The emails will be checked daily by environment staff and all reports will be investigated. Alternatively incidences of littering/llegal dumping can be reported to Lo-call 1890 320 005   It is hoped that members of the public will be prepared to give evidence which will lead to conviction in the courts.

The road numbering signs have also been vandalised recently. Thanks to another local resident, repairs are being made.  If you spot any vandalism or other anti-social behavour, please do inform Mullingar Gardaí at 044 934 8915. Sometimes all it takes is the presence of  a Garda car to deter the vandals.

Bogus door-to-door collections

We’re approaching that time of year where there’s a rise in the number of door-to-door collections in Ashefield for various purposes. How can you tell a legitimate collection from a bogus collector looking to make some quick cash?

A person you don’t know will identify themselves first. A legitimate collector working on behalf of a charity will have an ID card and a document with the charity’s address and contact phone number.

If they don’t and/or you’re unsure,

  1. Ask for identification and the registered charity number.
  2. Call the charity that they are claiming to represent.
  3. If you’re still not satisfied, call the Mullingar Gardai at 044 934 8915. Don’t assume someone else will.