Adversely affected by the economic crisis? – request for participation

Hi all – received the following request for input from residents of Mullingar:

A European Research project conducted through Maynooth University involving 8 other countries is looking at how families and households are coping after the financial crisis.

RESCuE is trying to understand how families who have been adversely affected by the economic crisis “bounce back”? We are interested in how families have adapted to face recent challenges to help them get by and challenges they may be struggling with.

Maynooth University is part of a nine-country European consortium that is investigating resilience among families and households in urban and rural areas across Europe. We are listening to the voices of ordinary people coping with the economic crisis. The project aims to assist social institutions and policy makers to learn from those experiences and to develop better strategies for supporting families and households in the future.

For more details, please see the Brief overview of the RESCuE project and a RESCuE project poster with contact details


If you are interested in participating, please contact:

Dr. Jennifer Dagg
RESCuE: Citizens’ Resilience in times of crisis
NIRSA, Ionta Building, North Campus

jennifer.dagg [AT]

Note: replace [AT] with ‘@’

Residents Association – 2014 Accounts Available

Ashefield Residents Association financial accounts for 2014 are now available for download.

These documents lists the 2014 account summary, all the bank lodgements and withdrawals for the year, and a breakdown of the collections per house

Many thanks to everyone who have donated and helped with association activities during the year. We rely on your donations to maintain the common areas of the estate and for upkeep when needed for the common good. For 2015, we hope that you will continue to offer your much-needed support. If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of the estate common areas or have not yet been able to do so, we can accept payments by Paypal. The link is on the right hand side bar of the website.

Roadsweeper in Ashefield


Westmeath Co. Co. sent their roadsweeper into the estate today and cleaned the road edges. This was most welcome because there was a significant increase in debris over the past couple of months. Many thanks to the residents who raised this issue and to Cllr. Ken Glynn for working with Westmeath Co. Co. on our behalf to ensure it paid us a visit.

C-Link road green area update

Many thanks to Cllr. Ken Glynn and Westmeath Co. Co. who, with Ashefield Residents Association, recently re-visited the overgrown green area adjacent to the C-link road/Western ByPass and came up with a plan of action. You may already have noticed a dramatic improvement: Westmeath Co. Co. have followed up and cut the overgrown area down to a more manageable state. As you can see from the photos, it is a large area and it will require regular cutting and additional financial support in order to prevent it from lapsing into an overgrown state again in the future.

We would like to hear from you about your thoughts for a long term management plan for this area – especially from residents in the immediate area who expressed their concerns during the recent collection activities. Please feel free to comment below or contact the residents association by email [ info AT ].

A view of the green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass AFTER the works
A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass
A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass BEFORE the works

Are you interested in improving the estate?

We’d like to hear from you. Are you interested in potentially improving the estate? Through the meetings and from face to face chats during our collection visits, a number of issues have been raised.

  • Community text alert scheme for the estate to help improve security and safety
  • Tackle the overgrown green area adjacent to the C-Link road/Western Bypass
  • Increasing the number of signs regarding dog littering in the estate.

Have you any further suggestions? If so, please get in touch via email info@ or talk to a committee member. The limitations are that any potential ideas cannot address issues relating to privately-owned land or buildings. All efforts are by residents who volunteer a small amount of their time to help out. We’d really appreciate help – please get in touch if you think you might be able to lend a hand.

[yop_poll id=”1″]

A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass
A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass

Another incident of fly-tipping in Ashefield‏

During one of the annual donation collection visits by committee members, the occupier of a house reported an instance of fly-tipping in the laneway connecting Ashefield and Abbeylands. The rubbish was left there sometime between Saturday and Sunday 12/13 July. The rubbish mainly contained alcohol cans and bottles. Westmeath Co. Co. was notified.

Images showing the rubbish currently located in walkway in Ashefield:



If you happen to spot any further instances, please don’t hesitate in contacting Westmeath Co. Co.

Please see this earlier post for advice on what to do.

Ashefield Residents Association 2014 Collection

Dear Resident,
The 2014 Ashefield Residents Annual Fund Raising Collection will be take place at the times listed below. The funds collected will be used in the upkeep of the common areas in the estate. The main expense incurred is the grass cutting in the large green areas.

With a view to continuing this work the Resident Association Committee Members are requesting a contribution of €20 per household (reduced from €30 in 2013).

It cost approximately €1345 to cut the grass and do other minor repairs in 2013. Accounts are available on

The collection has been well supported in the past and we are sure that we can rely on your support once again this year. To make things easier we have also set up a PayPal account on this website into which, your contribution may be paid. You can also make your contribution by contacting a committee member who will issue you with a receipt.
Collection Times;

• Mon 14 Jul 2014 7:00pm to 9:00pm

• Fri 18 Jul 2014 7:00pm to 9:00pm

• Sat 19 Jul 2014 10:30am to 14:30pm

Dear Resident,
Thanks for your support in 2013 and we hope that you can be as supportive this year. Ashefield has a website, e-mail address, Twitter account, and a Facebook page to help you keep up with to date and to contact us.We encourage you to use these to stay in touch with both the residents association and residents. The committee comprises all unpaid volunteers – your neighbours, who are willing to spare some time.
Your contribution is very important. It falls back on us as a community to maintain and improve the common areas in the estate. We realise that time is precious so therefore we appreciate all and any help you can give. This can involve calling on Tesco to collect abandoned shopping trolleys or picking up litter in your area.
We encourage you to contact us with your ideas, suggestions, and indeed and get involved with your residents association. One of the ideas we are looking at is setting up is setting up a Community Text Alert. In order to gauge the level of interest in this; can you either e-mail us at info@ or make your interest known to a committee member.

Follow-up from Cllr. Ken Glynn

The following is the response from Cllr Ken. Glynn regarding the actions taken at the 2014 AGM of Ashefield Residents Assocation. Many thanks to Cllr. Glynn for the fast action!

I have just been informed that the manhole cover outside number 4 should be resolved in the next few days.

1- Can some no dog fouling signs be provided in the estate and poles if necessary.
WCC are supplying only 2 signs per estate. If the residents association require more they will have to pay for them. These can be arranged to be collected at the Reception and can be installed on existing poles.

2- Fencing along the C-Link as discussed-any idea when repairs will be done.
I will check what is involved here and arrange repair work as required.

3-Large Overgrown green area-Maybe I can bring in a deputation to discuss this matter.
I can met you and representatives of the residents association to discuss. Contact me to arrange a date and time.

4-Can we get the street cleaning machine in to entire estate and if I know the day they can advise residents to not leave their cars out on the road.
This can be arranged. It would be best to arrange it for the morning after an organised cleanup so that the residents can swept the footpaths onto the road the evening before.

5-Manhole cover outside number 4 on the front has dipped down and is quite dangerous.
I will have this checked out.

6-Can bin located near apartments entrance be re located to entrance of estate near green area which is dumped on regularly.
The MMD do not have the funding to supply new bins but we can look at relocating an existing bin as requested.

Kind Regards

Cllr.Ken Glynn

Mayor Mullingar Municipal District
Member Westmeath County Council
Member Longford/Westmeath ETB

2014 AGM Report

Thanks to all the residents who attended the 2014 AGM of Ashefield Residents Assocation. Special thanks to Cllr. Ken Glynn who attended the meeting also.

The accounts were presented and it was reported that the closing balance at the end of 2013 was €3917.97.Expenses incurred during the year included grass cutting, repairs to the boundary wall near the entrance of the estate, and meeting room rental. It was noted that the account details have been published on this website.

It was proposed to reduce the household contribution to €20 this year, down from €30.

A number of other proposals were presented at the meeting:

  1. Gauge interest in the establishment of a neighbourhood watch / text alert system in the estate. It was noted that this would only be feasible if there was interested from a large proportion of residents and following a public meeting in the future.
  2. Ask Westmeath Co. Co. to carry out repairs to the boundary fence adjacent to the C-link road/Western Bypass
  3. Erection of additional signage regarding dog fouling
  4. Discuss a plan of action for the overgrown green area adjacent to the C-link road.

Other business

  • Manhole cover outside number 4 on the front has dipped down and requires action
  • Dog fouling and dogs without leashes is a growing problem – residents are encouraged to contact the Westmeath Co. Co. dog warden to report instances

Thank to Cllr. Glynn to who took actions regarding the additional signage, repairs to the boundary fence, and to follow up on questions regarding the overgrown green area adjacent to the C-link road.
Volunteers for the committee were sought. No new candidates were identified. The current committee members were re-elected.

Requests for volunteers and help with the 2014 collection were encouraged. Collections will take place within the coming weeks. It was also noted that residents can avail of the Paypal facility on

Slides from the AGM may be viewed below.