Illegal Dumping!

Thanks to JS for this report

There have been instances of illegal dumping of rubbish or ‘fly-tipping’ in the estate over the past couple of weeks. It appears that the incidents have occurred within the laneways. This is not only illegal but represents a potentially serious health hazard.

The environment section of Westmeath Co. Co. was notified and are investigating. Cllrs Ken Glynn and Avril Whitney were also notified – many thanks to them for their quick responses and help.

Westmeath Co. Co.’s advice is that if you see someone fly-tipping, try to take note of:

  • When and where it is happening
  • Vehicle registration ( if applicable )
  • Description of the vehicle – colour, make and model. Is there anything special about it? Does it have an insignia or contact numbers?
  • What sort of rubbish is being dumped?

Please report the details to Westmeath County Council Environment Section on Lo-Call 1890 320 005 . It will only take a few minutes to report but will be a big help to the community.

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Littering and signage

Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of cases of illegal dumping in Ashefield recently. If you spot someone leaving rubbish bags or other litter in the estate, please contact Westmeath County Council’s litter control and report it either by email to or using the low cost number 1890 320 005 . Don’t assume someone else will. It’s not fair on the local residents who do spend the time and money on clearing up after the illegal dumpers.

From Westmeath County Council: The emails will be checked daily by environment staff and all reports will be investigated. Alternatively incidences of littering/llegal dumping can be reported to Lo-call 1890 320 005   It is hoped that members of the public will be prepared to give evidence which will lead to conviction in the courts.

The road numbering signs have also been vandalised recently. Thanks to another local resident, repairs are being made.  If you spot any vandalism or other anti-social behavour, please do inform Mullingar Gardaí at 044 934 8915. Sometimes all it takes is the presence of  a Garda car to deter the vandals.