A request for the trees in the estate to be added to the council’s pruning calendar was submitted to Cllr. Ken Glynn. Quite a few of these trees are blocking street lamps. In addition, one of the street lamps in the estate (shown on the map below), which has been broken since at least Feb of this year was added to the list for help.
We are appealing for donations to help us all cover the cost of maintaining the grass in the common areas as contributions so far this year have been very low. The regular cuttings and other minor expenses cost approximately €1,380 in 2019 . The full breakdown of how your donations are used are always published for your review.

Best wishes to you and your families from your neighbours in Ashefield Residents Association
Update: Update: the trees in the estate will be inspected by the council for pruning and the broken light should be fixed by the end of the month. Many thanks to Cllr. Ken Glynn for the action and update!