Reminder: 2023 AGM is on Wed July 12th at 8pm

Dear Residents,

The 2023 AGM of Ashefield Residents Association takes place on Wednesday July 12th at 8 p.m. via the Zoom platform.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed towards the 2023 common areas upkeep costs. If you haven’t already, please use the ‘Buy Now’ button on the right to donate. We really appreciate your donations which go directly to funding grass cutting and other upkeep works for the common areas in the estate.

Click the link to join the meeting:

Passcode: K2x13j

Please note that you will need a Zoom account to join the meeting. If you don’t already have an account, please allow for a few minutes to set one up before the meeting starts.


  1. Overview of work done over the year
  2. Financial update
  3. Election of committee
  4. Any other business

Annual donations due

Hello residents and friends,

We are collecting annual donations for 2023 to cover the upkeep costs of the common areas of the estate that are the responsibility of all us residents. The bulk of the annual cost is grass cutting for all the estate common green areas.

As with previous years, we try to keep the cost to the absolute minimum. The accounts summary for the residents association is published on this site for transparency and visibility.

The suggested donation per household is €20 – unchanged from previous years despite the rapid rises in living & energy costs.

We can accept payment securely via Paypal or in person to a committee member. Please note that Paypal deducts a charge from the donation and this amount has increased. We have been forced to add a €1.50 handling charge per donation to cover that. Click the ‘Buy Now’ button to donate.

Thanks again for all your support from Ashefield Residents Association

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Ashefield Residents Association” amount=”20″ handling=”1.5″]

2017 Accounts Summary


We would like to make you aware of the 2017 accounts statement for Ashefield Residents Association. In 2017, a net figure of €1,612.85 was received and the overall expenditure was €1,582.07. At the end of December, 2017, the closing balance in the Ulster Bank account was €2,165.20 and the closing balance in the Credit Union account was €2,106.59. Details of the individual transactions are as follows:

2017 Accounts Statement

Thanks to all the residents and Westmeath County Council for the continued support; it’s greatly appreciated

2017 AGM Announcement

Dear Residents,

The 2017 Annual General Meeting of Ashefield Residents Association will be held in the Newbury Hotel, Green Bridge, Mullingar on Tue 01 Aug 2017 at 8:00 PM

Items for discussion include:

  • Presentation of the 2016 Accounts (available on this website
  • Maintenance and remedial works in the coming year.
  • Security and vacant houses
  • Laneway between Ashefield and Abbeylands

We would welcome your attendance.

In addition to the AGM announcement:

Thanks for your support in 2016 and we hope that you can be as supportive this year.

Ashefield has a website, e-mail address, Twitter account, and a Facebook page to help you keep up to date and to contact us. We encourage you to use these to stay in touch with both the residents association and other residents. The committee comprises of unpaid volunteers – your neighbours, who are willing to spare some time.

With a view to continuing the work the Resident Association Committee Members will be circulating in the coming weeks. We are requesting a contribution of €20 per household (Unchanged from 2016).To make things easier we have also set up a PayPal account on this website into which your contribution may be paid.

Cutting the grass in the common area and other minor expenses cost approximately €1600 in 2016. (Accounts available on

Your contribution is very important. It falls back on us as a community to maintain and improve the common areas such as the green areas within the estate. I am sure you will agree that the estate’s green areas provide both a valuable and relatively safe play area for the estate’s children and their friends.

We realise that time is precious so therefore we appreciate all and any help you can give. This can involve calling on Tesco to collect abandoned shopping trolleys or picking up litter in your area.

Tree pruning & vacant houses

Following up from a number of queries and concerns raised by residents, we appreciate the efforts of Cllr. Ken Glynn who raised them with Westmeath County Council. Thanks to Ken, we have some updates:

  1. Several trees in the estate blocking or reducing the light from the street lamps are now on Westmeath County Council’s list for inspection and pruning (if required) during the 2016/2017 pruning season. streetlight-tree
  2. Concerns regarding a number of vacant houses in the estate have been noted by Westmeath County Council who are following up with the owners. The issues were raised several months ago and you may have noticed works to clear debris and repair walls – these works were followed up by inspections from council staff. The residents association will continue to follow up regarding another house in the area. In the meantime, please note that vacant houses are being monitored and any reports of antisocial behavior/attempted illegal entry should be immediately reported to Mullingar Gardai (+353 44 93 8400)

2016 AGM meeting report

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2016 AGM of Ashefield Residents Association which was held in the Newbury Hotel in Mullingar on Wed 25 May 2016. If you were unable to attend but are interested in contributing to the residents association or have suggestions & ideas to help improve the estate, please feel free to send an email to info [at], add a comment on this website, or contact us via the Facebook page.

Slides from the AGM:

Ashefield Residents Association Annual General Meeting 2016

Annual General Meeting 2016
Newbury Hotel,
The Green Bridge,
Wed 25 May 2016 at 08:00 PM

Items for Discussion;

  • Presentation of the 2015 Accounts (available on the estate website
  • Request for estate enhancement ideas
  • Discussion of the maintenance and remedial works in the coming year.

Dear Resident
Thanks for your support in 2015 and we hope that you can be as supportive this year. As outlined in this post, we are holding our AGM at 20:00 on Wed 25 May 2016 in the Newbury Hotel. We would welcome your attendance to bring you up to date on the work completed in 2015.

Ashefield has a website, e-mail address, Twitter account, and a Facebook page to help you keep up to date and to contact us. We encourage you to use these to stay in touch with both the residents association and other residents. The committee comprises of unpaid volunteers – your neighbours, who are willing to spare some time.

With a view to continuing the work the Resident Association Committee Members will be circulating in the coming weeks. We are requesting a contribution of €20 per household (Unchanged from 2015).To make things easier we have also set up a PayPal account on this website into which your contribution may be paid.

Cutting the grass in the common area and other minor expenses cost approximately €1515 in 2015. (Accounts available on

Your contribution is very important. It falls back on us as a community to maintain and improve the common areas such as the green areas within the estate. I am sure you will agree that the estates green areas provide both a valuable and relatively safe play area for the estates children and their friends.
We realise that time is precious so therefore we appreciate all and any help you can give. This can involve calling on Tesco to collect abandoned shopping trolleys or picking up litter in your area.

Community Clean-Up – Saturday May 14th

Ashefield Residents’ Association is asking your help with an estate clean up on Saturday May 14th, 2016 starting at 4pm starting in the area of houses 122-130. We would great appreciate residents to volunteer some time – even if you can only spare 30 mins – to help with the following:


  • Mowing and edge trimming of footpath grass margins.
  • General tidy around your own house, including the footpath and common areas.
  • Hedge cutting including & removal of dead leaves.

We’d like to encourage as many residents as possible to join us on the day. It’s also a great way to get to know your neighbours and the shared tasks will make the job easy on everyone.

Look forward to meeting you on the day. Many thanks.
