
Westmeath Co. Co. has been notified about the streetlight outside houses 207-208 that needs a bulb replacement. Airtricity has recently taken over the public lighting maintenance contract from ESB and there is a delay in getting these fixed at the moment throughout the county. Unfortunately, the darkness can attract opportunistic illegal dumpers. Please do report any such rubbish dumping to Westmeath County Council (more information) to help keep our estate tidy.

Update (24/02/10): Westmeath Co. Council has informed us that Airtricity has carried out the repair.

Littering and signage

Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of cases of illegal dumping in Ashefield recently. If you spot someone leaving rubbish bags or other litter in the estate, please contact Westmeath County Council’s litter control and report it either by email to or using the low cost number 1890 320 005 . Don’t assume someone else will. It’s not fair on the local residents who do spend the time and money on clearing up after the illegal dumpers.

From Westmeath County Council: The emails will be checked daily by environment staff and all reports will be investigated. Alternatively incidences of littering/llegal dumping can be reported to Lo-call 1890 320 005   It is hoped that members of the public will be prepared to give evidence which will lead to conviction in the courts.

The road numbering signs have also been vandalised recently. Thanks to another local resident, repairs are being made.  If you spot any vandalism or other anti-social behavour, please do inform Mullingar Gardaí at 044 934 8915. Sometimes all it takes is the presence of  a Garda car to deter the vandals.

Short back and sides

Some time back we asked Westmeath County Council about trimming trees near street lights in the estate. This was in response to safety concerns raised by some residents where Summer foliage was blocking the light. The problem was most apparent in the vicinity of houses #190-210.

After contacting them again last week, Council staff carried out this work almost immediately afterwards. Thanks again for your prompt action!

I’m sure you’ll agree that the trimmed trees are looking a lot better now:

Composting workshop

For the gardeners in Ashefield and those who just simply want to cut down on the amount of waste being left out for bin collection, not to mention the expense of bin tags, composting is a handy option.  Westmeath Co. Co. is organising a free composting workshop on Thursday September 17 in the Arts Centre, Mullingar at 7pm.

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council will be on hand to show you how to recycle household organic waste and turn it into compost.


Booking is required and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you’d like to go, contact Bernie Ginnell, environmental awareness officer, Westmeath County Council.

Telephone: 044 9332125

Email: bernadette.ginnell [at] (replace [at] with @)

Trimming trees in Ashefield

Some of the trees alongside the roads in Ashefield, particularly those sited beside the street lights are in need of a trim. The tall trees and leaves are blocking the light onto pathways in some areas; it is a problem that is particularly apparent during this time of the year.

This was one of the concerns raised during recent visits to houses 120-210. These trees are the responsibility of Westmeath County Council, who were contacted and asked about trimming them.

Their response:

Under the Wildlife Acts 1976 – 2000, local authorities are restricted from carrying out any
hedge/tree cutting or pruning during the period between 1st March and 31st August. I have asked our General Services Supervisor to have a look at the trees in question and he has reported that there are a number of trees in need of pruning in Ashefield estate, however, it will not be possible to undertake this work until the end of October/beginning of November bearing in mind the resources and finances available to us in the current year.

We intend to follow up on this. If you wish to add to the list of locations in Ashefield where roadside trees are in need of trimming, please add them to the comments below. It would be helpful to specify the house number(s) or number on the street light where the problem exists.