C-Link road green area update

Many thanks to Cllr. Ken Glynn and Westmeath Co. Co. who, with Ashefield Residents Association, recently re-visited the overgrown green area adjacent to the C-link road/Western ByPass and came up with a plan of action. You may already have noticed a dramatic improvement: Westmeath Co. Co. have followed up and cut the overgrown area down to a more manageable state. As you can see from the photos, it is a large area and it will require regular cutting and additional financial support in order to prevent it from lapsing into an overgrown state again in the future.

We would like to hear from you about your thoughts for a long term management plan for this area – especially from residents in the immediate area who expressed their concerns during the recent collection activities. Please feel free to comment below or contact the residents association by email [ info AT ashefield.com ].

A view of the green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass AFTER the works
A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass
A view of the overgrown green area adjacent to C-Link road/Western bypass BEFORE the works

Another incident of fly-tipping in Ashefield‏

During one of the annual donation collection visits by committee members, the occupier of a house reported an instance of fly-tipping in the laneway connecting Ashefield and Abbeylands. The rubbish was left there sometime between Saturday and Sunday 12/13 July. The rubbish mainly contained alcohol cans and bottles. Westmeath Co. Co. was notified.

Images showing the rubbish currently located in walkway in Ashefield:



If you happen to spot any further instances, please don’t hesitate in contacting Westmeath Co. Co.

Please see this earlier post for advice on what to do.

Illegal Dumping!

Thanks to JS for this report

There have been instances of illegal dumping of rubbish or ‘fly-tipping’ in the estate over the past couple of weeks. It appears that the incidents have occurred within the laneways. This is not only illegal but represents a potentially serious health hazard.

The environment section of Westmeath Co. Co. was notified and are investigating. Cllrs Ken Glynn and Avril Whitney were also notified – many thanks to them for their quick responses and help.

Westmeath Co. Co.’s advice is that if you see someone fly-tipping, try to take note of:

  • When and where it is happening
  • Vehicle registration ( if applicable )
  • Description of the vehicle – colour, make and model. Is there anything special about it? Does it have an insignia or contact numbers?
  • What sort of rubbish is being dumped?

Please report the details to Westmeath County Council Environment Section on Lo-Call 1890 320 005 . It will only take a few minutes to report but will be a big help to the community.

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Dumping in the laneway

Update on green area adjacent to C-Link road – Cllr. Glynn and Westmeath Co. Co.

One of the action items from the 2013 AGM of the Ashefield Residents Association was in relation to the green area along the C-Link road. In December’s meeting of Mullingar Town Council, Cllr. Ken Glynn submitted the following question:

2.7 Cllr.Glynn: To ask Westmeath County Council to provide funding in the upcoming budget to carry out extensive works on the green area along the Western By-Pass in Ashefield as once these works have been carried out, the residents association will be in a position to maintain the green area.


Westmeath County Council has been liaising with Mullingar Tidy Towns Committee with a view to having areas such as these upgraded in 2014 by their workers.

Thank you again for following up on this action item, Cllr. Glynn.

Cllr. Glynn’s website:

Green area adjacent to C-Link road

One of the action items from this year’s AGM was to invite a Westmeath County Council staff member to examine the green area adjacent to the C-link road to help find out who is responsible for this area and to discuss what measures can be taken. Thanks to Cllr. Ken Glynn, he and members of the residents association brought a Westmeath Co. Co. staff member to examine the area. We’ll post any further updates and outcomes on this website when available.

Reinstating the green area at the entrance to Ashefield

At the March meeting of the Westmeath County Council Mullingar Area Committee, Cllr. Ken Glynn proposed a motion that Westmeath County Council immediately take steps to have the broadband company reinstate the green area at the entrance to Ashefield Estate to its original condition and that works are carried out to rectify this matter to the satisfaction of all local residents.

Westmeath County Council replied that they received a cash bond from the broadband installers and that this bond will not be refunded until all works are satisfactorily completed.

Read more on Cllr. Ken Glynn’s blog

Council response to a question regarding Ashefield entrance safety concerns

Cllr. Ken Glynn asked Westmeath County Council about progress made regarding safety concerns at the pedestrian crossing near the entrance to Ashefield on Ashe Road. Cllr. Glynn had asked the Council’s Road Safety Officer to visit this location and assess the issue. Westmeath County Council’s Road Safety Officer replied that they had reviewed this pedestrian crossing:
The crossing is located on Ashe Road between the Ashefield roundabout and the entrance to Tesco. This road has high traffic volumes generated by the location of primary schools, residential areas and the Tesco Shopping Centre. The crossing area is positioned 5 metres off the roundabout. All relevant warning signage is provided.  Both approaches to the crossing along the Ashe Road have good forward visibility. For traffic emerging from Ashefield Estate, the crossing has been found to be positioned at the optimum location for both motorists and pedestrians. The current position of the crossing allows a motorist full visibility of the crossing and of both waiting areas on the footpath, from the yield line emerging from Ashefield Estate. By moving it further from the roundabout, motorists would be unable to view pedestrians if they are on the nearside footpath and attempting to cross. The road markings at the crossing are slightly worn and it is proposed that these markings be improved next year. The Council will continue to monitor the safety of this crossing.
Further information is available on Cllr. Glynn’s blog