A report was received that local children using a wall close to houses near the front of the estate for football have damaged a house window and regularly hit cars with the balls also . Despite different groups having been asked on numerous occasions by local residents to use one of the green areas instead, they refuse to.
In one recent case, a resident witnessed a ball cracking the front window of a house and setting off the alarm. 
One solution is to ask parents to encourage their children not to play in the middle of the street and to use the green areas for ball games instead (and under supervision for safety purposes). In addition to the potential for further damage to property, there exists a real danger of an incident involving a moving car given that is the busiest point of the estate in terms of traffic. This problem has been noted for a future residents’ association meeting.
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, please use the comments area below. In an effort to combat spam and hoax comments, comments may not appear immediately but will appear when approved by a moderator.