AES is changing their bin collection service

If you are an AES customer in the estate, you should be aware that they are changing the bin collection service from the 1st of July, 2013. From this date, they will no longer provide alternate week collections for your general waste and recycling bin. They will be moving to a dual collection of your general waste and recycling bins. This means that your general waste and recycling bins will be collected on the same day, once every two weeks. There will be no reduction in the number of collections. AES plan to send out an updated collection calendar to customers from the week beginning 17th of June.

Reinstating the green area at the entrance to Ashefield

At the March meeting of the Westmeath County Council Mullingar Area Committee, Cllr. Ken Glynn proposed a motion that Westmeath County Council immediately take steps to have the broadband company reinstate the green area at the entrance to Ashefield Estate to its original condition and that works are carried out to rectify this matter to the satisfaction of all local residents.

Westmeath County Council replied that they received a cash bond from the broadband installers and that this bond will not be refunded until all works are satisfactorily completed.

Read more on Cllr. Ken Glynn’s blog

Council response to a question regarding Ashefield entrance safety concerns

Cllr. Ken Glynn asked Westmeath County Council about progress made regarding safety concerns at the pedestrian crossing near the entrance to Ashefield on Ashe Road. Cllr. Glynn had asked the Council’s Road Safety Officer to visit this location and assess the issue. Westmeath County Council’s Road Safety Officer replied that they had reviewed this pedestrian crossing:
The crossing is located on Ashe Road between the Ashefield roundabout and the entrance to Tesco. This road has high traffic volumes generated by the location of primary schools, residential areas and the Tesco Shopping Centre. The crossing area is positioned 5 metres off the roundabout. All relevant warning signage is provided.  Both approaches to the crossing along the Ashe Road have good forward visibility. For traffic emerging from Ashefield Estate, the crossing has been found to be positioned at the optimum location for both motorists and pedestrians. The current position of the crossing allows a motorist full visibility of the crossing and of both waiting areas on the footpath, from the yield line emerging from Ashefield Estate. By moving it further from the roundabout, motorists would be unable to view pedestrians if they are on the nearside footpath and attempting to cross. The road markings at the crossing are slightly worn and it is proposed that these markings be improved next year. The Council will continue to monitor the safety of this crossing.
Further information is available on Cllr. Glynn’s blog

Road sweeping in Ashefield

Westmeath Co. Co. sweeps the roads in Ashefield approximately once every two months. However, it appears that due to funding cutbacks, this will be curtailed. The council is to issue a revised timetable in due course and we’ll provide further information on this site when received.

Thanks to John S. for this update

Attention Dog Owners

Are you a dog owner? Due to the number of dog fouling instances in the estate, which are public health hazards, and loose/unmuzzled dogs, we’d like to bring the following information from Westmeath County Council’s control of animals webpage to your attention.

Dog owners responsibilities:

  • A person in charge of a dog must clean up when the dog fouls in a public place. Owners who fail to do so are liable to an ‘on-the-spot’ of €150
  • Keep their dog/s under control in a public place.
  • Dogs must wear a collar and tag bearing the name and address of the owner.
  • Certain breeds of potentially dangerous dogs must be kept on a short strong leash and muzzled whenever they are in a public place.


If you have a dog over 4 months old, you must have a licence for it and the person to whom the licence is issued must be over 16 years of age.

A dog licence may be purchased online or at any Post Office.

If you do not have a licence for your dog, you are liable to a €30.00 on-the-spot fine.

Failure to pay this fine can lead to a prosecution with a maximum fine of €1,270.00 and/or up to 3 months imprisonment if convicted.

Breeds of dog to which certain regulations apply under the Control of Dogs Act:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • Bulldog
  • Bull Mastiff
  • Dobermann Pinscher
  • English Bull Terrier
  • German Shepherd (Alsatian)
  • Japanese Akita
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Rottweiler
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Every dog of the type commonly known as a Ban Dog (or Bandog) and to every other strain or cross of every breed or type of dog described above.
Further information:

Link to Westmeath County Council’s control of dogs webpage

An Post’s dog licensing webpage


Annual collection of resident contributions and remedial works

The upkeep of the common areas in the estate is the responsibility of the residents. This includes grass cutting of common green areas,  replacement of house number street signs in the estate, repairs to estate walls that are not the responsibility of the council, and any other remedial works that may be necessary. These works were outlined in the recent AGM.

The grass cutting season has already started and the first part of the remedial work plan – replacement of house number street signs – is underway.

To help cover to the costs of these works, the residents association have been collecting €30 per household every year. 100% of these contributions go directly towards these works and the full accounts for the resident association are made public.

Volunteer residents from the association will be circulating around the estate in the coming weeks with a view to collecting a contribution of €30 per household. We do realise that times are hard and living costs are climbing but your valued support is being requested once again this year. The €30 contribution is approximately 60 cents per week, which is a modest sum considering the work it achieves. This request is being made to all residents; either renting their home or as owners.

 Sincere thanks to all the residents and community groups for their contributions and support.  We are sure that you will do your best to support us in our efforts to maintain  the estate that will all live in.

Minutes of the 2012 Ashefield Residents Association AGM

Ashefield Residents Association held their 2012 AGM on April 26th in The Newbury Hotel, Green Bridge, Mullingar.

1. Meeting Opening

The meeting was opened by Mr. Joe Gettings, Treasurer.

2. Accounts for 2011

The accounts for 2011 were presented by Treasurer Mr. Joe Gettings. (Full accounts available on These were unopposed and accepted.

3. Annual contribution for upkeep-of green areas

The residents contribution is currently €30 per house. It was pointed out that is the lowest in Mullingar. Other estate contributions range from €50 to €100. It was decided to leave the annual contribution at €30 per house.

4. Additional Remedial Works

The prospect of engaging in additional remedial works in the estate such as replacement of the house number street signs and repair to the estate walls near the Ashe Road entrance was discussed. As there is sufficient funds to complete the grass cutting for 2012, it was decided that these activities would be undertaken if estimated additional cost of this activity was collected in 2012.

5. New Constitution

The Treasurer, Joe Gettings presented a new constitution for discussion. However the quorum of 10 persons required to adopt the new constitution was not present. Therefore the discussion was suspended until a quorum could be convened. Full details of the constitution is available at

6. Election of new committee

Mr Joe Gettings stepped down from the position as Treasurer. The election of the association officers for 2012 commenced.

  • Treasurer: Mr. John Scales went forward for this position. He was elected unopposed unanimously.
  •  Chairperson: Mr. Joe Gettings went forward for this position. He was elected unopposed unanimously
  • Secretary: No one was available for this position. A decision was made to try and co-opt a resident into this position

7. Closing of meeting

The meeting was then closed


Don’t forget – our AGM will on Thursday, April 26 in the Newbury Hotel, Mullingar from 8pm. One of the agenda items will be a discussion and vote regarding the draft constitution for  Ashefield Residents’ Association. The draft is as follows:

1. Name of the Group

The name of our association will be: Ashefield Estate Residents’ Association. Ashefield Estate is located at Ashe Road, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Our website is
In this document, Ashefield Estate will be referred to as “our estate” and the website shall be referred to as ‘our website’.

2. Aims and objectives of our group:

The association seeks to represent and to promote the interests of all the residents living on our estate. Ashefield Residents’ Association will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error on our website or any publications produced by the Association.
Our website may contain links from our website to pages maintained by other organisations. These are provided purely for your convenience. They do not imply that Ashefield Residents’ Association endorses or supports those organisations, the information on their pages, or their products or services in any way.

No responsibility is assumed by Ashefield Estate Residents’ Association for the contents of their pages or for the actions of individual members of the association.

3. Membership of our association:

The members of this association are all residents who live on our estate. Any member of the association can stand for election to the committee. The committee shall be composed of three officers: a chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer and shall be elected every year at the annual general meeting (AGM).
In the event of a person leaving our estate or resigning from the committee, the remaining Committee shall co – opt another member to fill the position. A committee member shall not hold the same office for longer than four consecutive years.

All members of the association are welcome to any public events and meetings organized by the association. At events and meetings, members are expected to behave in a reasonable manner. The chairperson or event organizer will have the authority to exclude from a meeting or event anyone whose language or behavior is offensive.

4. Banking procedure:

The residents association has a credit union account into which all monies received shall be lodged. The committee can raise money on behalf of the association as they see fit, as long as they spend it in line with the aims and objectives of the association. The association should keep receipts for all money paid out. The treasurer will ensure that all accounts are presented once a year.

5. Equal Opportunities Statement:

We encourage people from different backgrounds and different experiences to be part of our association. This is why we strive to make our residents’ association a place where everyone can feel welcome and safe. We will challenge any remarks or behavior that cause offence and makes some people feel unwelcome.
We will do our best to overcome any obstacles to people giving their view or getting involved in our association.

6. How we will make sure we are democratic:

Once per year (no later than after 16 months) we will hold an AGM. This is where the committee will be elected by majority vote. Nominations in advance or from the floor will be accepted only if the person nominated is present at the AGM or has put in writing that they wish to stand for election. A quorum of 10 persons will be required at the AGM in order for it to proceed.

7. What happens at our Annual General Meeting?

• The minutes of the previous AGM will be presented and approved.
• The existing committee will present a report of the association’s activities.
• The existing treasurer will present the accounts for the year.
• The existing committee will stand down.
• The committee for the next year will be elected.

If nobody is willing to stand, the committee will decide whether to start procedures to close the association down. Alternatively, the committee can continue in office to try and redevelop the association for up to six months. At this time the committee may decide to continue until such time as new committee is elected or formally dissolve the association.

8. How will everybody know what has been decided

• We will keep minutes of all meetings of the association.
• We will note down what has been agreed or decided and who is responsible for any jobs involved in that decision.
• The minutes will be presented to the next meeting and have to be approved.
• Any member of the association has the right to read the minutes of any public or committee meeting.

9. Responsibilities of the officers

9.1. Our chairperson will:
• Usually chair all meetings.
• Ensure that all present can contribute without interruption and intimidation. Prepare the agenda with the secretary and ensure that agenda items are resolved.
9.2. Our secretary will:
• Deal with all correspondence,
• Keep minutes and records.
• Keep all members informed.
• Prepare the agenda with the chairperson.
9.3. The Treasurer will:
• Keep up to date records of all financial transactions.
• Ensure that all legitimate expenses, (e.g. grass cutting, maintenance of common areas) incurred by Ashefield Residents’ Association are paid promptly.
• Make regular financial reports and prepare the accounts for inspection.
• Present the accounts at the AGM.
9.4. Members of our committee will:
• Work as part of a team and have the right to represent the association on outside bodies.